Minggu, 30 Maret 2008




Conditions of cage location environment is:

  1. Lowland with maximum height 1000 dpl m
  2. Area which far from reach influence of progress of technology and growth of society
  3. Area which far from savage birds trouble of carnivor
  4. Rice field, grassland, open forests, coast, lake, river, marsh represent most precise area.


2.1. Preparation of Medium and Equipments

1. Temperature, Dampness and Lighting.

Building for the cage of walet have to have temperature, lighting and dampness which loo like with natural caves. natural Cave temperature range from 24-26 degree of C and dampness ± 80-95 %. There is three way of have livestock of bekicot in cage, for example:

Arrangement of temperature condition and dampness conducted by :

  1. Arranging in layers plafond with chaff as thick as 20 cm b. Making pool or aqueducts in building
  2. Using ventilation of form pipe " L" which aparting it 5 m one hole 4 cm
  3. Calling a meeting to order door, out of condition hole and window
  4. At exit hole enter to be given by custodian of funnel shaped ray of black chromatic cloth or gunny so that situation in building will be more be dark. Dark atmosphere more popular by walet.

2. Form and Construction Building.

Generally, house of walet like big building building, broadness vary from 10×15 m2 until 10×20 m2. High more and more wuwungan ( bubungan) and is ever greater of distance between] plafond and wuwungan, more and more house goodness of walet and prefer bird of walet. House may not closed by high grove.

Building wall made of wall plaster while exterior of cement mixture. Inner of wall better be made of sand mixture, cement and chalk with comparison 3:2:1 very good to controling temperature and dampness of air. To lessen cement aroma can sprinkle by water every day.

Roof framework and dens adherence place partition made of by strong woods, durable and old, durabel, isnt easy to eaten by rengat. Its roof is made from pass.

building of Walet require to provide with room roving as place circulat and room resting as place to rest and have a nest. Place exit hole enter fairish bird 20×20 or 20×35 cm2 made on the top. Amount of hole depend on building condition and requirement. Its situation of hole don't face easterly and hole wall painted is black.

2.2. Preparation of Seed.

Generally all breeder of bird of walet do intuitively. To the number of bird of walet which circuit house building exploited by all breeder. To fish bird to be more amount of, pawnbroker prepare tape of recorder containing of record voice bird of Walet. There is also doing heaping of hay yielding small insects upon which bird food of walet.

1) Election Of Seed Candidate Mains.

As mains of walet selected bird of sriti laboured to be will have a nest in new building. Way of to fish bird of sriti to be entering in the new building by using record cassette of voice of walet or of sriti. This twiddling have to at 16.00-18.00, that is bird time again forag.

2) Treatment of Seed and Candidate Mains.

In effort conducting of walet, require to be prepared egg of walet to be incubated nestle of sriti. Egg can be obtained from owner of building of walet which in pursuance of " crop by throwing away egg". This crop [is] executed after bird of walet make den and lay eggs two item. egg of Walet taken and thrown later;then its den is taken. Egg which is thrown in this crop can be exploited to multiply bird population of walet by incubating it in den of sriti.

A. Chosening Egg of Walet.

Egg which is crop consist of 3 kinds of colour, that is:

egg of Walet globular of length, size measure 2,014×1,353 weighing cm 1,97 gram. good Egg characteristic have to be fresh looked to be and may not lodge except in machine hatch. Egg hatch good have air poke which small relative. Stabilize and [do] not shift from its place. Situation egg yolk there must be in the middle of and not oscillate, isnt be found by blood blot. Determination of egg quality above happened with binoculars.

B. Bringing Egg of Walet.

got Egg of place which its distance near by can in the form of egg which still middle aged or young. While egg of long distance, better in the form of egg which have come near to hatch. Egg compiled in holey sponge with diameter 1 cm. Sponge included into holey plastic crate later;then closed. Vehicle Guncangan and of AC too cool can result dead egg. Young egg have mortality almost 80% while lower old egg.

3) Hatch Of Egg of Walet

a. Way of incubating egg of wallet at den of sriti.

At the (time) of season lay eggs bird of sriti arrive, egg of sriti changed with egg of walet. Intake of egg have to with plastic spoon or paper of tisue to avoid to damage and contamination of egg able to cause bird of sriti do not want to brood on it. Replacement of egg happened in the day time bird moment of sriti go out building forag.

Hereinafter eggs of walet the will brood on by bird of sriti and after hatching will be mothered until bird of walet can fly and also forag.

b. Incubating egg of walet at hatch machine.

Machine temperature of penetas about 400 C with dampness 70%. To obtain;get the the dampness happened by placing cup or saucer contain water in egg rack underside. Laboured water to in the cup finished.

Input eggs into egg rack flattened or data and don't overlap. Twice one day eggs position at the opposite of carefully to avoid to damage of embryo. third day is egg binoculars. empty eggs and which its embryo of death thrown. Dead embryo of its sign earn seen at middle shares of egg there are dark blood circle. While egg which its embryo of life will seen like cobweb. Inversion of egg happened until compassion day.

During hatch of machine may not be opened by except for inversion or fill cup regulator of dampness. After 13-15 egg day will hatch.

2.3. Conservancy

1) Treatment of Livestock.

Chick of Walet new hatch is not furry and very weak. child of Walet which not yet can eat [by] xself require to feed up with ant egg ( fresh kroto) thrice one day. During 2-3 child day of walet this still need intensive and stable warm-up so that needn't be released from machine hatch. Afterwards, temperature may be degraded [by] 1-2 degree / day by opening machine air-hole.

After old age ± 10 plume moment day have growed child of walet carried over in special box. This box provided with kept heater in the middle of or box corner. After old age 43 day, children of walet which have ready to fly to be brought to nocturnal building, is later;then kept in rack for release. High [of] minimum rack 2 m of floor. With this height, child of walet will be able to fly [at] day after and follow the way of flying adult walet.

2) Source of food.

bird of Walet represent wild bird which look for food alone. Its food is small insects exist in rice field area, open land;ground, coast and forest / territorial water. To get den of walet satisfying, organizer of house of walet have to provide side dish especially for the dry season of. Some ways for the mengasilkan of insect is:

a) planting crop joined with others gist of sari

b) insect conducting that is dried cassava flea and mosquito

c) making pool lawn of house of walet d. heaping rotten fruits in lawn of house.

3) giving of certifiable food regularly.

to be result of success conducting is better needed by giving of regular and certifiable food.giving of food hold on to quality of food and habit of mealtime. Quality of good food will determine the quality of flesh of bekicot. Quality of good food earn chockablock give food in the form of foliage took a fancy to and fruits. For example; papaw fruit and leaf, spinach leaf, cucumber eggplant fruit, swai and others.


Technorati Tags Panturaswallow

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008




1) Mouse.

This Pest eat egg, chick of walet even its den. Mouse deliver dirt and noise and also irrigate its urine can cause temperature which is not balmy. Way of prevention of mouse with closing all hole,do not pile up woods and seconds to be used for the den of mouse.

2) Ant.

Ant Fire and itchy ant eat child of walet and bother bird of walet which laying eggs. Way of eradication by bait ants to exist in outside den infest it. Afterwards ant sprinkled with hot water.

3) Kecoa

This Animal eat nestle so that its body handicap, imperfect and small. Way of eradication with spraying insektisida, keep cleaning and throw away goods which is not be needed to be to be thrown in order not to become hideaway.

4) chick of walet.

Its dirt can contaminate generated temperature and room unsettle bird of walet. Way of its eradication that is dissipated, arrested. while penanggulangan by making aqueduct around fence for the barrier of, exterior wall made slippery and painted and holes which not be used to be to be closed.

2. CROP.

Nestle of Walet can be taken or harvested if its situation have enabled to be plucked. For picking need the way of and certain rule to be result of which is obtained can fulfill quality of den of walet good. If happened mistake in menanen will cause fatal to bird and building of walet itself. There is possibility of bird of walet feel annoyed and make a move. To prevent the possibility, all owner of building shall have knowledge pattern or technique and cropping time.

Pattern harvest nestle can be do by organizer of building of walet with a few the way of, that is :

1. Crop Looted matters.

Way of this executed after den is ready to weared to lay eggs, but couple of walet that not yet have time to lay eggs. Way of this have advantage that is time distance harvest quickly, quality of total and good nestle of nestle production every year more. Weakness of[is way of this bad in continuation of bird of walet for no rejuvenation. Its condition weaken because triggered to continuously to make den so that there is no breathing space. Quality of its den even also decline to become flimsy and small because saliva production unable to make balance to time race-meeting to make den and lay eggs.

2. Crop Throw away Egg.

Way of this dilaksanankan after bird make den and lay eggs two item. Egg taken and thrown later;then its den is taken. This pattern have advantage that is in one year can harvest till 4 times and quality of yielded den even also either due perfection and is thick. As for its weakness namely, no chance to walet to incubate its egg.

3. Crop Hatch.

At this pattern of den can be harvested when children of walet hatch and have flown. Weakness of this pattern, quality of low den because have started to destroy and contaminated by its dirt. While its advantage is bird of walet can multiply quietly and peaceful so that bird polulasi can mount.

As for time harvest is :

1) Crop 4 times one year.

Harvest this happened if walet have balmy with house dwelt and have is solid of its population. Way of weared that is first crop done with pattern harvest looted matters. While for crop hereinafter with pattern throw away egg.

2) Crop 3 times one year.

Frequency harvest this is very good to building of walet which have walked and still need addition of population. Way of weared that is, crop of tetasan for first crop and hereinafter with looted matters pattern and throw away egg.

3) Crop 2 times one year.

Way of this crop is done in the early management, because its target to multiply bird population of walet.9. after crop.


do sorting and sweeping from result of which got. Result of crop cleared of dirts which patch, afterwards, do dissociation between den of walet clean with den of walet dirty.


Technorati Tags Panturaswallow



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Senin, 24 Maret 2008






Mostly bird of swallow this have population in archipelago of Pacific :
  1. Indonesia,
  2. Malaysia,
  3. Thailand,
  4. Vietnam,
  5. India,
  6. Srilanka,
  7. Combodia,
  8. Philiphina,
  9. Laos and
  10. other archipelago alongside go out to sea Pacific.
Technorati Tags Panturaswallow



Bird classification of walet shall be as follows:

Superorder : Apomorphae
Order : Apodiformes
Family : Apodidae
Sub of Family : Apodenae
Tribes : Collacaliini
Genera : Collacalia
Species : Collacaliafuciphaga

Jumat, 21 Maret 2008




Swallow bird or sarang burung walet represent peewit having the character of aerial and like to glide. This bird is dark chromatic, the flying of quickly of the size small body, and have wing in form of sharp-pointed and narrow;tight scythe, its feet very small so also its bill and this bird type have never descended upon tree. Swallow bird have habit of populating in houses or caves which damp enough, dark remang-remang until and use roof to paste up den as place rest and multiply.
Swallow birdnest have been consumed by Chinese people since year 700. While, commerce of Swallow birdnest of South-East Asia to Chinese have been conducted since 14 of century, at the lasttime of Dynasty of Ming in command [in] Country Chinese. The hoisterous of commerce of Swallow birdnest the interconnected sliver with Swallow birdnest benefit and social status [of] people who consume it. Swallow birdnest trusted to have benefit all kinds of, including can heal some disease of exhalation, attenuating husk, adding fitness of body and lengthen age.
According to Kong al et. ( 1987), swallow birdnest able to consume by human being come from made of white nest swallow bird saliva ( fuciphaga collocalia) and black nest swallow bird ( maxima collocalia) pregnant [of] factor growth epidermal ( egf). Up this moment until now, costlier white birdnest price than black birdnes.

Technorati Tags Panturaswallow






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